Our goal is to create empowering education which enhances livelihood options, creating socially and environmentally conscious citizens who are always catalysts for change.


50 +M
Illiterate People in India
15 %

At the MPSDEY CHARITABLE FOUNDATION, we continously help children in schools, anganwadis, and Junior colleges to provide them with the best learning which in turn helps them grow as people. We think that the best education is one that helps kids learn lots of different things and gives them opportunities to reach their goals.



We provide with training programs focusing the principals, teachers, and volunteer workers how to be good leaders so they can set a good example. We created a special learning center for kids who need extra help. We also trained numerous teachers to work with these kids and provide them the best option to learn from.

Our support includes, providing infrastructure improvement projects, arrange & provide Learning tools, Assist the schools to provide drinking water to students and provide with hand wash stations and better & clean sanitation (separate urinals and toilets for boys and girls respectively; following the UNICEF guidelines), support the schools in setting up of libraries, computer labs, activity based learning centres, science and math kits for interactive and joyful learning for the students.

We provide financial aid to help students from unprivileged families who do well in academics and extracurricualar activities in the school. Financial aid for students who has the passion to get higher education in the Engineering, Medicine and other streams of study.

To make real progress, it’s important to invest in the education of women.
At MPSDEY Charitable Foundation, we believe in this statement and work towards the uplift of these children.