Our main goal is to help women, especially those living in rural areas, feel more powerful. We are dedicated to help them overcome any difficulties that might stand in the way of achieving this goal.

Women and Rural Empowerment

Our NGO activities include everything ranging from rural empowerment to food distribution. Below is a quick list of the work we perform to develop a better society. 

  1. We empower women by providing them work from job opportunities. 
  2. As a leading charitable organisation in India, we make every effort to ensure social well-being. 
  3. Empowering rural India is a major part of our daily work. 
  4. We donate cloth and toys, sponsor food and education, and provide emotional support to orphanages. 
  5. We invest our time, effort, and money to help the elderly in old-age homes as well in our neighbourhood. 
  6. We also help underprivileged people to get married decently. 
  7. Distributing food and medicines in rural areas is a big part of our activities. 
  8. We focus on building schools to provide free education to children who belong to low-income families.